Muzikale post

Muzikale post uit azc Rijswijk

Bij de Vrolijkheid Rijswijk zijn de rollen eens omgedraaid! De jongste muzikale talenten zetten workshopleiders aan het werk. Kinderen sturen liedjes op om zo kunstenaars van buiten het azc te prikkelen en inspireren. Kunstenaar Yael Levy maakt er in samenwerking met Nikos Kokolakis geanimeerde muzikale ansichtkaarten van.

Mukot Zingt

In this video I created a restful night landscape with flowing water and night birds. What inspired me to create this atmosphere was the combination of the electronic sound (edited by Nikos Kokolakis) and the depth of Mukot’s interpretation of the song. - Yael Levy


When I first listened to Mukot’s song I imagined a boy singing under the stars and dreaming of a beautiful place. Listening to Mukot’s recording again the voices and sounds in the background transformed, in my imagination, to night birds and insects singing with him. Combining field recording sounds from far away beautiful places, like a night bird singing in Australia or night sounds from Khao Yai National Park in Thailand found at BBC Sound Effects BETA, I created a nature song joining Mukot in his house, singing a song for the butterfly. - Nikos Kokolakis

Hoewel de activiteiten van de Vrolijkheid in verband met COVID-19 momenteel niet op het azc kunnen plaatsvinden, wordt er hard gewerkt om ook van buitenaf creatieve momenten en kunstzinnige activiteiten mogelijk te maken. 

Misgana Zingt

The inspiration for this video derived from the combination of the individual and free way which Misgana sings, and the added clarinet and voice by Vincent Martin. The overall sound which is created is energetic and playful, and it is expressed in the video by amusing characters and colorful objects. - Yael Levy


I listened to Misgana’s song like 10 times and realized how great it is that even though the melody and rhythm are a bit off, it sounds so beautiful. Adding too many things would only distract from the best part: Misgana singing her song completely free. So I decided to go only write down the melody, and play it along with the clarinet. This way I only ‘enhanced’ what was already happening. - Vincent Martig 

De muzikale ansichtkaart door Misgana, Yael en Vincent is gemaakt in samenwerking met Catchpenny Ensemble.

Hayrunisa Zingt

My inspiration for this video came from the combination of the lively and joyful way Hayrunisa sings her song, and the energetic layer of percussion Natalia and Robert added. Based on this combination, I imagined a scenario which takes place in nature where everything comes to life and I created the video following this vision. - Yael Levy


Hayrunisa’s happy way of singing made me think of dancing and a party. Robert and I chose some percussion instruments we could find at home - a juju-shaker, a small african drum and log-drums - that would create a simular atmosphere without overshadowing Hayrunisa’s singing. We had a lot of fun playing together with Hayrunisa’s voice. - Natalia Alvarez

De muzikale ansichtkaart door Hayrunisa, Yael, Robert en Natalia is gemaakt in samenwerking met Catchpenny Ensemble.