Vrolijke Academy

At the Vrolijkheid we want to keep learning how to successfully apply the arts in azc’s, to exchange experiences and inspire each other, in short to be a truly “learning organisation”. The Vrolijkheid Academy offers a training programme to support already active artists and cultural organisers and other staff and to train newly recruited colleagues. Several artists have been trained to be a trainer.

Important opportunities to learn from each other are the peer supervision sessions for Programme Coordinators. The annual Inspiration Days, where new ideas and methods are offered, are open to everyone who works for the Vrolijkheid.

First Aid for Vrolijkheid offers furter information into our working method. 





Everyone who starts working for the Vrolijkheid has to participate in a training course on the five principles of the organisation. Furthermore training courses can be followed in subjects such as Diversity, Leadership, Non-violent Communication (Geweldloze communicatie), Involving Residents (Bewoners Betrekken), Working with Young People (Werken met jongeren), Parent-Child (Ouder-Kind), Local Fundraising (Lokalde Fondsenwerving), and several artistic training courses. Courses are evaluated regularly and tweaked to always fit our needs.

Are you interested in a specific training? Please contact us at: academie@vrolijkheid.nl.  
